Get an SQLite database off an Android device.

Open up your command prompt and change directory (cd command)to the directory that has your adb.exe file in it. On windows it is usually in:
Then type in:

adb pull /data/data/

If the application is not debuggable then you will need to try another option:
You can create a backup of the application and then extract the backup file.
To do this type in:

adb backup "-f /FileName.ab -noapk"

This will create an Android backup file (.ab) in the base directory of you main drive.
To extract this file, download the Android Backup Extractor at this address:

Extract the Android Backup Extractor files and then put your .ab file in the Android Backup Extractor folder. The open a command prompt and cd to the Android Backup Extractor folder. The type in the command:

java -jar abe.jar unpack YourFile.ab YourFile.tar

You will now have a zipped file in the Android Backup Extractor folder. Extract this file and you will have the applications database in the extracted folder.